A New Line of Environmentally - Friendly Garden Sprinklers

Image : http://www.flickr.com

As the availability of drinking water becomes scarcer, efforts to preserve water will intensify. These efforts will be driven both by environmental activism and the increasing cost of water. This is due to the fact that our current water supplies are being attacked by both global-warming, and by human industrialization. If this persists, many of the world's most fertile land will be turned into arid deserts in the next few decades.

So what can we do as a home-owner to conserve water? We need to keep our lawns green, but not everyone has the time or the extra income to have a lawn manually-watered from a rain barrel. A good first step would be to examine the garden sprinkler system that you use to water your lawn.

Lawn sprinklers can be wasteful. It doesn't take long for a sprinkler to soak your lawn thoroughly, so use your garden sprinkler sparingly, and only at times allowed by your municipality. Please keep in mind that a sprinkler can use as much water in an hour as a family of four will use in a day!

If your lawn absolutely needs a watering, invest in water-efficient garden sprinklers. We recommend that you invest in lawn sprinklers that are specially-designed water-efficient units; some will use up to 30% less water than conventional sprinklers. Popular water-efficient lawn sprinklers in the market include those which are designed with heart-shaped heads that shatter water droplets into a fine mist, thereby improving the delivery of water to the root zone of your lawn or garden. Not only do these sprinklers utilize less water, but the mist that is produced provides a more uniform coverage (up to 1200 feet with no halo effect) than does a traditional lawn sprinkler.

Want to do something about our rapid consumption of raw materials? Plastics have become an indispensable part of our daily life. But repeated reprocessing of plastic waste, and its disposal, causes environmental problems, poses health hazards, and is a public nuisance. To help alleviate this problem, invest in lawn sprinklers that are made from 100% environmentally-friendly recycled materials. For instance, the "Eco-Friendly Lawn Sprinkler"" is an environmentally-friendly sprinkler that not only helps conserve water, but is also manufactured from recycled plastics.

Help us to make the earth a better place to live in by being more considerate in your lawn-watering patterns. Please leave some water for your neighbours, and for the fish!