Sprinkler Systems Part 2

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Remember your trenches should be no deeper than 8 inches. After you have laid your pipes in them, go around and double check everything again to make sure that you have the right cut and length for all your PVC pipes.

Now take everything, your risers and pipes, and fit them all together. Don't glue anything; we're not to that step yet. Go over your plans and make sure that everything looks exact and in place.

In my front yard I have some grass that is separated from the other grass by cement. If this is the case for you, you can easily get pipe over to the other side without pulling up the cement. Take a PVC pipe with secure tape at the end, and push it from one side to the other until you can see the pipe coming out on the other side of the grass where you have already dug up your ditch.

Next, you'll want to make your connection to your water supply. Connect a t-connection to it.

This is also a good time to set up your manifold. This includes your emergency shut off valve or any other switches.

Now you can finally glue everything into place. When you by your pipe glue make sure that it says PVC pipes, any other 'pipe glue' will not do the job properly.

Now, you want to give your new system a go. Using your controllers, or any other system you have set up, turn on your water and watch to see if you have any leaks or any other problems. You want to make sure everything works now before you can move to your next step.

With your system working and everything set up properly you can finally bury the pipes. Pack the dirt around your risers and make sure that they will stay in place. Always remember that if you find any major problems plumbers will be able to help.