Garden Hose Knowledge Worth Knowing

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Who in their right mind would write a 400+ word article about garden hoses? And why? Well, my mind is right, but then this article is not just about garden hoses. Using a hose to transport water to thirsting plants in your garden is the way to go - no doubt about it. You already know this, or you would just carry a bucket around and slosh water all over un-suspecting plants. But as with anything, the world of garden hoses goes a little further than just a hose with water in it. It matters how that water is delivered to the plant, for instance.

A single big beam of water might wash the soil away from the roots of a vulnerable plant, which is why we have such things as sprayers that can do soft rain, hard beams and everything in between. Sometimes you want to reach a plant far away from where you stand, but does that mean you have to go stand near to it, to water it? No - simply adjust your sprayer to a long beam and aim it so that it dissolves in a mild shower over the plant in question.

But then of course you may not always be in the mood to actually stand and hold the sprayer yourself. Having a garden should not be all work and no fun, right? So attach a sprinkler to your hose, using dedicated garden hose fittings, place the sprinkler in the middle of the flower bed or area to be watered, and sit back and watch as drops of water are sent swirling out over your garden. By the way, there are scores of different sprinklers on the market; some are good for lawns, some for flower beds with tall plants, etc.

Some models have multiple sprinkling patterns that fit any watering task - and are pretty to look at. And why not? The aesthetic qualities of a garden is often why we have it in the first place, so why not have sprinklers that give the most artful water fountains a run for the money? When your plants have all the water they need for now, you probably want to stow the garden hose away, which is where hose reels enter the picture. Garden hose reels can be stationary wall mounted types, or movable with wheels attached. Storing a hose coiled up is really the only sensible way to do it.

I'm past 400 words now, but I must admit one thing: This article really isn't about garden hoses - it is about the joys of gardening, planting, weeding and watering your garden. The hose in it self is hardly an object of desire, wouldn't you agree?